Bruid van de wetenschap
MMC Schobbe
9 till 17 Mar 2013
Opening: Saturday 9 Mar 2013 — 17:00 till 19:00 hrs

In my presentation I pay homage to science, an important part of the former activities in the W.G. An older work, “The bride of science”, figures as the leading character in the installation. I will confront her with recent work.

In addition some attention will be given to my Micro Arts Patronage project.

As a motto for my artistry this citation from the French writer Gustave Flaubert: "What seems to me the highest (and the hardest) in arts, is neither to elicit a laugh or a tear from the public, nor to get  them heated up or to enrage them, but to get them to ponder, as does nature".

I play with our perception of light, measure, proportion and space, which can lead to questions about the nature of truth and reality. With my work I reach out to the world of ideas (according to Plato the real world) and try to evoke a longing for that world.
