Archiefbeeld Wilhelmina Gasthuis Terrein 1917. Bron: Stadsarchief Amsterdam

Archiefbeeld Wilhelmina Gasthuis Terrein 1917. Bron: Stadsarchief Amsterdam

Lotte van Geijn, Lucid dreams 02
(walnoot 01, detail: ‘Pest-Huys’, bovenaanzicht van het Pesthuis, het latere Buitengasthuis en weer later Wilhelminagasthuis, ca. 1665, potloodtekening nav detail: ‘Het Pesthuis en de bijbehorende tuin.’ , Johannes Leu

Genius Loci, Antoinette Nausikaa

Genius Loci, Antoinette Nausikaa

Genius Loci, Lucid Dreams, Lotte van Geijn

Genius Loci, Antoinette Nausikaa

Genius Loci, Duo Exhibition Lotte van Geijn, Antoinette Nausikaa
Genius Loci: Over de ziel van het Wilhelmina Gasthuis terrein
Lotte van Geijn & Antoinette Nausikaä
28 Aug till 3 Sep 2023
Opening: Saturday 2 Sep 2023 — 17:00 till 19:00 hrs

Part of the atelierWG Series

In this exhibition, artists Lotte van Geijn and Antoinette Nausikaä explore the unique history of the WG-terrain in Amsterdam, formerly known as the Pesthuis and Wilhelmina Gasthuis, now an artists' community since 1984. By blending the past with the present, they offer viewers a fresh perspective on the harmonious blend of culture, nature, and timelessness in this exceptional Amsterdam location.

The concept of "Genius Loci" stems from Roman mythology, meaning "the spirit of a place," serves as a guiding theme. It does not only refer to the protecting spirit of a place it also encompasses its essence and identity, reflecting its distinctiveness, natural surroundings, historical significance, and cultural heritage. Exploring the "Genius Loci" unveils new perceptions, memories, insights, ideas, and inspiration, enriching the stories and value of the place for the community.

Walnut trees
Lotte van Geijn (NL) is again inspired by the trees on the site, including the research of the Amsterdam city archaeologist Jorgen Veerkamp. At the time of the construction of a parking garage (now under Huygens College) on the former site of “Het Pesthuis” he discovered rhizomes of ancient walnut trees. Many people died during the last severe plague epidemic (1663-1664). The walnut trees were planted around the former “Pesthuis” because of their scent that scares away the flies.

In her installation, Antoinette Nausikaä focuses on the timeless and natural entanglement between humans and their environment. Alongside the exhibition she organizes a Contemplative Walk across the WG grounds in which she invites participants to embrace their everyday surroundings with an open and observing gaze. Aiming to explore, within the silence and wonder, a renewed connection with it.

Open Lab
From 28 August to 2 September puntWG will serve as an Open Lab for research.
The presentation / Opening will be held on Saturday 2 September 17:00 - 19:00
Opening hours: Thursdays-Sundays 14:00-18:00 and by appointment

Contemplative Walk by Antoinette Nausikaä
Sunday 3 September 10:00 - 11:30
Max 12 participants
You can register for the walk via

Photos 2-7 by Wilma Kuijvenhoven.


Archiefbeeld Wilhelmina Gasthuis Terrein 1917. Bron: Stadsarchief Amsterdam

Lotte van Geijn, Lucid dreams 02
(walnoot 01, detail: ‘Pest-Huys’, bovenaanzicht van het Pesthuis, het latere Buitengasthuis en weer later Wilhelminagasthuis, ca. 1665, potloodtekening nav detail: ‘Het Pesthuis en de bijbehorende tuin.’ , Johannes Leu

Genius Loci, Antoinette Nausikaa

Genius Loci, Antoinette Nausikaa

Genius Loci, Lucid Dreams, Lotte van Geijn

Genius Loci, Antoinette Nausikaa

Genius Loci, Duo Exhibition Lotte van Geijn, Antoinette Nausikaa