It’s just after harvest time, the autumn of 1519. Or 2019. It’s the aftermath of…of what? Strange things are happening in the village. Rumours of plague. Just ask at the tavern: there’s something a little odd about this year’s crop, the baker has gone mad, and the brewer is working overtime. Something around here smells a little off…
You, the itinerant artist, have just arrived to fulfil your commission at the abbey. But to complete your work, you must navigate village life, and find out what’s eating this town before it gets you too. The bel is kapot, you have to knock to get in. This is an exhibition in the form of a riddle, or a riddle in the form of an exhibition, set in a space and time very much like our own.
KLOPPEN AUB, BEL IS KAPOT is a collaborative project by Ash Kilmartin and Bergur Thomas Anderson, with appearances by fellow townspeople Lisa Kuglitsch, Gunnar Gunnsteinsson, Hrafnhildur Sigurðardóttir, Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir and Arbeiter.
Ash Kilmartin (Aotearoa/New Zealand) and Bergur Thomas Anderson (Iceland) are artists who live in Rotterdam. This exhibition is made possible with the support of AFK.
Title: Stonecarver’s Dilemma
Date and time: 19 October 2019, 17:00-21:00
Stonecarver’s dilemma (2019) working drawing. Bergur Thomas Anderson and Ash Kilmartin
Stonecarver’s Dilemma is a live choose-your-own-adventure in which the audience decides the fate of the young artist who attempts to live by their work, and by their good conscience. Live music, improvised foley, dangerous snacks and specially brewed drinks might just help with these difficult choices.
Photo documentation by Ilya Rabinovich