Swan Lee, Nina Anin, Rick Geene - puntWG  
Swan Lee, Nina Anin, Rick Geene - puntWG  
Play Home
Swan Lee, Nina Anin, Rick Geene
24 Jan till 9 Feb 2025
Opening: Thursday 23 Jan 2025 — 18:00 till 20:00 hrs

Part of the Open Call Series.

Swan, Nina and Rick invite you to move into their WG. According to the landlord (who  will live with you) it’s a room (8m2) like any other. It’s just that the light switch is in the kitchen. There’s no threshold separating the noisy floor boards in the kitchen from what used to be the dining room (now your room). When someone is peering into the fridge late at night it sounds like they’re standing next to your bed. With the scratching coming from behind the painting you never feel alone. However, the landlord tells you, your room has one big advantage: One of the long walls is completely window, from left to right, top to bottom. It's beautiful, isn’t it?  

Play Home is the inaugural issue in PuntWG's exhibition series of uncustomary matchmaking. The cohabitation of works is structured like a spatial montage of  fragments of domesticity and communal living. Homemaking is always a work in progress, it’s making it work. Living together inevitably breeds issues of excess and (over)proximity. Each brings their own projections, blurry edges bleeding together in uncanny and unpredictable ways. Memories, torn from their original time and reconstituted alongside each other, furnish the space. 

And then that window: supposedly a clear demarcation between inside and outside, looking through a matter of sending and receiving. But when all is too much, everything too close, its structural function sheds this illusory simplicity. Suddenly you find it looking back at you and yourself part of the scene you’re looking at, part of the house. Our new roommate.

Opening hours

puntWG is open on weekends from 14.00 to 18.00 hrs and extra opening hours as shown above.

And also by appointment


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Swan Lee, Nina Anin, Rick Geene - puntWG  
Swan Lee, Nina Anin, Rick Geene - puntWG