A project by Milena Bonilla and Natasha Papadopoulou, with the participation of: Alena Alexandrova, Bea Mcmahon and Jolene Ong.
Perception is a tricky thing. One sees a closed hand landing heavily on a table, but suddenly there’s no table to land on. Better to see a hand holding a hand, a foot, a waist or the pinky finger. Multiple hands un-holdingtheideaofonebody.
Once we agreed that the very idea of getting lost depends very much on context. We can get lost in routines that build patterns for the brain to follow, lazily falling into a loop. We can also get lost in unknown territory, piercing our safety with a body conversation, a dance that doesn’t have a purpose, doesn’t strive for profit, only exists for and by itself. A moment for sky leakages, control crashing, tables disappearing.
Come. Weareverymuchlookingforloopholes.
With love. Us.
by Natasha Papadopoulou & Milena Bonilla
With guest performances by Alena Alexandrova, Jo-Lene Ong, Bea McMahon
Public Presentations
Under Acupressure
6 April 2019, 19:00
Natasha Papadopoulou gives a sneak-peek into her new collection of wearable apparatus. Departing from the horny layer, the collection fits as a sub-dermal story pressing through power points to find release and multiple zones on demand. The wearables talk to any-body directly, she just translates and demonstrates.
Residues in Reverse
13 April 2019, 18:00
Alena Alexandrova will reenact a composition of openings or opening fragments. They are reverse residues, discarded before they were shaped or used in any other way. They only exist at the threshold between their appearance and their rejection in a mode of reductive intensity.
Attitudes of the Limbs
20 April 2019, 18:00
Jo-Lene Ong guides you through hands and feet in an exploration touching on mudras and footnotes, a pedestal and a scaffolding, and a circular ping-pong table.
Dot your Eyes
20 April 2019, 19:00
Bea McMahon in collaboration with Artémise Ploegaerts
Bea McMahon gets stung in the eye by a bee while playing a zero sum beauty game. Turns out this poisonous deed ain’t accidental.
Behind that Grid There’s a Maze
28 April 2019, 19:00
Milena Bonilla wanna rescue words from a field of Poppies. A musicalized talk will touch some elements from her current spying on monocultured thought, mental illness and social change. If Artaud’s pussy is a field of poppies, we need a disorchestrated homage to that. At least that’s what she thinks.
This project is made possible with the generous support of AFK fond for the Kunst and the Mondriaan Fund
Photo documentation by Ilya Rabinovich