Hugo Palmar - puntWG

Hugo Palmar - puntWG

Vrijheid van de Gast
Hugo Palmar
Curator: Laura Castro
27 mei t/m 5 jun 2022
Opening: vrijdag 27 mei 2022 — 17:30 tot 00:00 uur
Vrijheid van de Gast is an exhibition bringing together Hugo Palmar's most recent works.
In this body of works, Palmar gleans the sinuous terrain of hospitality to problematize its twofold nature: as an autonomous and decentralized gesture, characterized by the willingness to give space to an Other, and as an instrument in the construction of the idea of freedom by nation-states, historically linked to the regulation of Otherness and the pursuit of economic interests.

From traditional formats such as drawing, painting and collage to installation, video and cooking, the works that conform to this series spring from inner imagery concocted from materials and symbols that Palmar has gathered through his migratory journey. This trajectory began from the East Coast of Lake Maracaibo, passing through the Dutch Caribbean,  Argentina, Belgium, and arriving in the Netherlands, thus producing hybrid dream-like landscapes that point to a zone of flux between interiority and the normative order of the external world.

Rooted in his own migratory and diasporic experience, this group of works explores the interstitial space between the aforementioned polarities that shape the notions and practice of hospitality, evidencing its entanglements with desire, power and identity.

Curated by Laura Castro

This exhibition is part of the program AtelierWG Series.
Kindly suport by AFK & Stichting Stokroos

Public Program:

The duet Dodo Bird (Francisco Garrido and Antonio Moreno) will perform compositions especially made for this exhibition.
05/27/22, 19:00  (opening event)

A performance, reading and tasting of food prepared by Hugo Palmar, in dialogue with Laura Castro and the public.
04-05/06/2022, 18:00 (closing event)

Tickets for this event can be purchased at:
Photography by Ilya Rabinovich

Hugo Palmar - puntWG